Author Archives: JETAA USA

JET Alums on KTSF News

JET alums Alan Mockridge and James Foley were on California’s Bay Area KTSF Channel 26 news this past October. They are both participants in the JET Returner’s Program, where 20 JET alums from the Tohoku area were selected to travel … Continue reading

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JET Alums Remember 3.11

For any of us who are JET alums, losing one of our own is a heartbreaking thought. This is especially true if their life was taken while on JET as a result of the tragic events of 3.11. JET alums … Continue reading

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Last Sight of Monty Dickson

Monty Dickson was one of two US JETs to perish in the devastation of March 3, 2011. JETAA USA has focused much of their funds to assist in the rebuilding of Monty’s town, Rikuzentakata. (see JETAA USA Media Release: Disubursment … Continue reading

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RMJETAA to Host Upcoming 2012 Regional Tech Conference

The Rocky Mountain JETAA chapter, based in Denver, CO is hosting the JETAA 2012 Regional Tech Conference.The conference will take place from 27-29 January 2012 at the Estes Park YMCA in Colorado. RMJETAA welcomes chapter delegates from across the USA … Continue reading

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JETAA USA Funded Project in Rikuzentakata

JETAA USA granted Empowerment through Participation and Change (E-Pa+Ch) approximately $25,000 of the funds raised from the JETAA USA Earthquake Fund. This organization also goes by Youth Empowerment Iwate or Kodomo no Empowerment. The organization is based in Iwate and … Continue reading

Posted in 3.11, Featured Posts, Relief Fund | 3 Comments

JETAAi Conference Delegates Make MOFA News

Delegates of the JETAA International Conference held in Tokyo (October, 2011) made a courtesy call to Senior Vice Minister Yamane of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The purpose of the visit was to thank MOFA for continuing to support JETAA … Continue reading

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JETAA Media Release: Disbursement of Funds

Below is the official press release in English (for the Japanese version, click HERE) announcing the recipients for JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund to the media in Japan. Much time and energy has gone into this process, using our JET contacts, bilingual … Continue reading

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Taylor Anderson Receives Luminary Award

The Japanese Chamber of Commerce and Industry of NY posthumously awarded Taylor Anderson, US JET who lost her life on 3.11, their Luminary Individual Award at their annual dinner last month (November 2011). The Luminous Individual Award was imparted to … Continue reading

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Miyagi/ Sendai JET Micro Grant Program

MAJET and the Anderson family have teamed up to make a difference in Miyagi and Sendai. As Miyagi starts to take it’s formative steps towards recovery from the March 11th disaster, this program empowers JETs with financial support in their … Continue reading

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AJET Announces TEFL Scholarship Winners

In cooperation with ITTT, AJET offers scholarships for two current JETs via an online TEFL program. Two scholarship recipients are selected annually. The scholarships are offered through ITTT, and are for their 120-hour online TEFL course with tutor support. In … Continue reading

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