Travel to/From Denver

Please book your flights 30 days in advance to take advantage of the best deals and save your chapter $$ that can be spent on other great local programs for your members!

**Reminder we are booking your hotel room, you only need to book your own flight.


Helpful tips for booking your NatCon Flight

Closest Airport: DEN (Denver International Airport)
The airport is 1.5 hours via public transportation or 50+ min by car to the hotel. Please plan accordingly.

Arrive: Thursday, September 13th by 4pm (if your work schedule allows for it)
The informal welcome happy hour starts at 6pm and goes till last man standing. You can walk from the hotel to the venue.  USJETAA will be treating us to a few snacks.  We hope you can be there for the Kanpai! If you can’t arrive for the happy hour no problem, still try to arrive on Thursday and we will see you Friday morning when the conference starts

Depart: Sunday, September 16th after 3pm
The conference ends at 12pm but please allow for extra travel time to the airport and checking in.  There will be optional local activities and more chapter networking if you can stay longer. JETAARM President has also offered a 2 day trip extension to get the full flavor of Colorado that you can add on NOT covered by JETAA. Follow up with Adam ([email protected])