JET-Run Recovery Orgs

Kumamoto JETs work with local Ishinomaki residents to clean up.

Although JETAA USA encourages you to donate to the JETAA USA Earthquake Relief Fund, we want to assist folks to donate to any organization that helps the people of Japan cope with and overcome this huge disaster. The efforts or organizations listed below are either being led by JETs or have a heavy JET participation/ volunteer rates. Check em’ out!

  • Biwa Bottle Boat Challenge– (bilingual website) JETs have designed and built a boat out of recycled plastic water bottles (using no glue!) and will paddle it across the largest lake in Japan, Lake Biwa! By sponsoring this event you can help! All donations will go directly to The Tohoku Kids Project who will use the money to help rebuild their lives and provide them with new homes.
  • Taylor Anderson Memorial Fund– Taylor was a 3rd year JET who’s life was lost in the tsunami that hit her town. All money raised will be given in Taylor’s memory to help rebuild of the schools in the Ishinomaki region (where Taylor was an ALT).  The Anderson family and St. Catherine’s, the high school Taylor graduated from in VA, are working together to manage and direct the funds.
  • Save Miyagi – JET alum Canon Purdy and her family founded this non profit  dedicated to helping Miyagi and the town of Minamisanriku rebuild after the devastating earthquake and tsunami. Canon was a JET in Minamisanriku for two years and was present for the earthquake (she had returned to see her students graduate). Canon is working with local authorities to ensure donations go toward education efforts in the area.
  • volunteerAKITA– Led by Akita JET Paul Yoo, this organization is the hub for many JETs to improve the quality of life of those in need through volunteer, service, and lots of LOVE. They do this through developing relationships, providing strength and encouragement for communities that need it most. Current projects include: The Fruit Tree Project providing fresh fruit for those in evacuation shelters, The BIG CLEAN, as well as partnership with Smiles and Dreams (see Tohoku Kids Project below). As time has goes on, the projects will continue evolved to fit current needs. volunteerAKITA has zero overhead, meaning 100% of your donations goes toward purchases. The JETs that give their service cover all incidental costs of travel, etc. You can see some NBC TV coverage here.
  • AJET Man up for Japan– Donate a man from your paycheck (or about $100). AJET (Association of JETs) lists ways to donate and organizations to donate it to on their Facebook site.
  • Hearts for Haragama– A volunteer organisation dedicated to providing relief for the people of Soma, Fukushima in the wake of the March 11 earthquake and tsunami. Ensuring the welfare and quality of life of the students at Haragama Youchien is their first priority. This was started by and is run by JETs in the area.
  • Yamamoto Relief Fund– Miyagi JET, Andras Molnar, created the Yamamoto Fund to collect donations to help rebuild the damaged schools in Yamamoto town and aid students who lost their houses in the tsunami. The money collected will go to Yamamoto Town’s Board of Education where they will distribute the money among the schools to make repairs, buy supplies and purchase uniforms for children who lost everything in the tsunami.
  • The Tohoku Kids Project–  Smile Kids Japan (run by Fukui-ken JETs) and Living Dreams have joined forces to support children’s homes (orphanages) affected by the disaster. They will immediately address their needs, the needs of the children who rely on them and will continue to support those children in the long-term.

  • Shimane AJET– Shimane AJET gathered their local ALTs, CIRs and Japanese community members to join together for a charity hike to the peak of Mt. Sanbe in Oda City, Shimane-ken. They represented 14 countries and raised $21,023 with this event. For video and photos, go to

This list is provided as a resource to interested parties. The listing of organizations does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by JETAA USA.

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