JET Arigato Campaign

Celebrating 30 Years of the JET Programme

CLAIR Tokyo will be holding an Arigato Campaign to share messages of thanks to the people who have grown close to through the JET Programme, or to the JET Programme itself. The campaign is for current JETs, JET alumni or Japanese people that have connections with the JET Programme.

You can submit your messages between May 18, 2016, and August 31, 2016 in one of the three following formats:
1) A text message and photos ( up to 3 )
2) An audio message and photos ( up to 3 )
3) A short video message
→ Written message should be no longer than 70 words.
→ Audio and video messages should be no longer than 20 seconds.
→ Languages: As a general rule, English or Japanese (though you may say “Thank you” in your language of choice)

Download important documents for more details and terms & conditions
Submission Terms and Conditions
Announcement about the JET Arigato Campaign
JET Arigato Campaign outline

A selection of participants’ submissions will be uploaded to the following SNS channels.
Facebook: JET Arigato Campaign
Twitter: @arigatojet (JET Arigato Campaign)
Youtube Channel: JET Programme Arigato Campaign
Please refer to the campaign’s website for sample videos and further details: