JETAA Tech Vision:
- Within 2-years, every JETAA Chapter will have a fully-functional website
- Establish a Tech Network (for ongoing communication)
- Provide a central location for Tech Resources (establish a Web ring)
Recommended Best Practices (Bob: taskmaster)
- Communication Action Plan (use MailChimp if no solution)
- Team: Megan, Kurtis, Ted, Eric, Bailey, Jason-consult
- Web site templates
- Joomla Team – Jason, Todd, Greg, Nick
- WordPress Team – Lee-Sean, John, Ben
- Social Media Action Plan
- Team: Ben, Sandra, Dusty, Rod
- Communication Plan (Bob, Ryan)
- Pre-Contact/Conference Results (send to Country Reps)
- Results of Tech conference (update on twitter, etc.)
- Developing recommended best practices
- Initial Contact (send to chapter reps )
- Productive results of technology conference (update progress)
- Availability of Resources
- Opportunity for help
- Communicate the vision
- Follow up (sent to chapters basis on ongoing basis)
- Identify needs
- Advertising momentum (case study)
- Officer succession/Technology Transfer
- Delegate Communication (ongoing by all)
- Promote conference
- Showcase cool stuff
- Share measureable results
- Encourage all chapters
- 4/25/10: Rough drafts ready for review
- 5/10/10: Posted to Resource section
- 5/15/10: First send out of Communication Plan