Author Archives: JETAA USA

What can JETAA USA do?

I know some people were a little bit disappointed in the amount of time it took us to come up with a plan of action. During these types of situations, I think we need to take a step back and … Continue reading

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The dust has settled – kind of…

I know everyone was awestruck by the images, video and written accounts of the multiple earthquakes in Japan. I was surprised when I returned home from work at 6 p.m. PT and saw that the live coverage was no different … Continue reading

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Google Person Finder

If you have any information on anyone in Japan, please use Google Person Finder as the central place to find and update information about friends and family. It’s available both in English and Japanese. width=400 height=300 frameborder=0<br /> style=”border: dashed … Continue reading

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Current efforts on the earthquake in Japan’m sure that everyone heard about the earthquake in Japan. For those of you that aren’t familiar with the Richter scale, the 1989 earthquake in San Francisco was a 6.9 earthquake; today’s earthquake in Japan was 8.9. Thankfully, Japan’s strict … Continue reading

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2011 Country Representative Elections

I’m sure everyone saw the email that went out last week, but in case you didn’t, U.S. COUNTRY REPRESENTATIVE PLATFORMS ARE NOW BEING ACCEPTED! If you have severed as an executive committee member in any of the 19 U.S. chapters, … Continue reading

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Returning from the woodwork

Hey everyone, I hope that you’ve been well. After a long respite, I’m returning from the woodwork. I’m working on updating the chapter pages, which are long overdue. The US CR’s will be in touch with you over the coming … Continue reading

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