2024-2025 Country Rep Special Election

Submit Platforms | Thru Jul 7
Chapter Voting Open | Jul 8 – 21
Winner Announced | Jul 22

Vacant CR Position 2024-2025
During the 2024-2025 Annual CR Election, we received only two candidate platforms. Two Country Reps were confirmed March 18 and began their term April 1, 2024. In compliance with our JETAA Bylaws, the vacant CR position will be filled via a Special Election.

Submit Your Platform
To learn more about the Country Representative role, review the information on our CR Elections page. Submit platforms to [email protected].  Contact Elections Officer, Megan DeVille at [email protected] with any specific questions or concerns.

JETAA USA CR Special Election Chapter Instructions

All 19 US Chapters are highly encouraged to vote for their Country Representatives.

  • Each JETAA USA Chapter has one collective vote for each choice of filling the vacant Country Representative position.
  • Any Chapter officer or representative may cast the vote for their Chapter, although this is typically done by the Chapter Council Representative.
  • Sub-chapters vote under their parent chapters.
  • Chapters have the right to vote for a candidate as well as the right to abstain from voting for one or all candidates by indicating as much.

To be declared the winner(s) of an election for the positions of JETAA USA Country Representative, candidates must obtain the first, second, or third highest number of votes cast during the elections.

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