CR Elections

US Country Representative (CR) elections are typically held at the end of the Japanese fiscal year (March). All 19 US Chapters are encouraged to vote. Each JETAA USA Chapter has one collective vote for each choice of filling three (3) Country Representative positions. Sub-chapters vote under their parent chapters. Information on where to find candidate platforms, how to submit votes, etc. will be sent out to chapter leadership via the web platform currently being utilized. Efforts will be made to ensure that all chapters have the information and resources needed to participate in the voting procedure.

If you are interested in running for Country Representative, please read the JETAA USA Bylaws to get a full understanding of the functionality of the organization and the requirements you must meet to run for the position. You should also become familiar with the CR job description by reading the following:

To formally run for Country Representative, you should submit your platform and accompanying documents (see list below) to the designated Elections Officer by the deadline set.  To learn more, review the JETAA USA Country Representative Election Procedure Addendum.

  1. CR Chapter EndorsementThis document proves that you are a member in good standing of your JETAA Chapter and have the endorsement and support of your chapter to run and be elected as a Country Representative for JETAA USA.  The endorsement also includes your chapter’s acknowledgement that it is willing to take on financial responsibilities for managing CLAIR Country Representative GIA funds that will support you if elected.
  2. Platform– This is a 1-2 page document outlining your goals for JETAA USA and generally appeals to the chapters in hopes of gaining their vote. You can see samples of CR platforms by looking at the individual current Country Rep’s landing pages: About JETAA USA >> Current Country Reps.
  3. Headshot – Please include a headshot of yourself to be included with your Platform and Endorsements during the voting period.