Jessyca Wilcox: CR- Round 2

Jessyca, Rod & Shree

Jessyca, Rod & Shree at the JETAA International Conference in Edinburgh, Scotland. (2010)

It was my absolute pleasure to serve as JETAA USA CR over the past year with Shree and Rod. The chemistry of our personalities led to a great team with each of us able to play off our strengths and support each others’ weaknesses. It was truly a joy to work with both of them and I feel that the progress we made as a team for JETAA on the national level was something to be proud of. I am very happy to be giving another year of service to the US JETAA community and thank everyone for their support and trust in electing me for a second year.

I extend a big welcome to Mike Shu and Megan Miller-Yoo as CRs for 2011-12! I am confident that Mike and Megan will be of equal caliber in their dedication, energy and sincerity to continuing to improve the value of our organization both at home and in Japan. They bring with them a lot of experience in proven leadership and I look forward to accomplishing our goals as a team! よろしく お願いします!

-Jessyca Wilcox
JETAA USA Country Representative (2010-present)
RMJETAA Treasurer (2008-10)
ALT, Hokkaido (2003-06)

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